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Cyber Attacks: Major Types and Prevention Tips

Cyber Attacks: Major Types and Prevention Tips

Published On: 31 Jan 2024

Last Updated: 31 Jan 2024

Views: 1.4L


India recorded a 15% surge in cybercrime (per organisation) in 2023. Cybercrime damages could cost over $10 trillion per year by 2025 (globally). From Fortune 500 companies to famous politicians to movie stars to SMEs, cyber hackers are sparing no one. Worse, cyber attacks in India (and globally) are only escalating in danger score- courtesy of futuristic technologies like AI. A general overview of cyber attacks is crucial to identify and prevent cyber threats.
The post below offers a brief on the various types of cyber attacks doing the rounds today.

The increasing threat of cyber attacks

India has been facing an alarming spike in cyber threats owing to constant attacks on critical infrastructure, essential services, and the public sector. An average of 67% of Indian essential services and government departments have encountered more than 50% surge in cyber attacks.
When it comes to biggest cyber attacks in India in 2023, mention must be made of the ICMR data breach that violated over 800 million records. The breach exposed volumes of confidential data like passport details and Aadhaar numbers.
With advancements in technology, cyber attacks have also increased in both number and danger-scale. The 2023 Union Budget allotted a colossal ₹ 625 crore-worth funding for the development of cyber security. The 2024 Union Budget is expected to issue an equally substantial volume of funding to combat the increasing threat of cyber attacks.

Common Types of Cyber Attacks

Major Types of Cyber Attacks Some of the common types of cyber attacks faced by organisations, businesses and individuals are as follows:
    • Malware Attack:
    • Malware is one of the most commonly executed cyberattacks. A coin of “malicious software”, malware impacts computers by changing functionalities, destroying data, and spying on network traffic. The software breaches the network through the vulnerabilities created by clicking on malicious links or using a malware-infected pen drive.
    • Phishing Attack:
    • Phishing attack ensues with malicious actors sending malware-laden emails to victims’ inboxes. As the target user clicks on those links they are redirected to the hacker’s website and the hacker gets access to the user’s confidential data. The worst part is these emails are designed to appear like emails sent from legitimate or trusted sources. The agenda is to grab sensitive information about the targeted victim of the targeted attack.
    • Password Attack:
    • Password attack is a form of attack where the cybercriminal cracks the password with different password-cracking tools such as Hashcat, John the Ripper, Aircrack. There are different forms of password attacks such as keylogger attack, brute force attacks, dictionary attack, and so on.
    • SQL Injection Attack:
    • Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attack is encountered in database-driven websites when hackers manage to manipulate standard SQL query. SQL injection is carried out in the form of injecting malicious code into the vulnerable search box of a website. This makes the server reveal certain critical information.
    • DNS Spoofing:
    • Domain name System (DNS) spoofing is a cyber attack where the hacker alters the DNS records to send traffic to the spoofed websites. The sensitive information that is entered by the users on the fake website is used by the hackers for illegitimate purposes. In DNS spoofing attacks, the cybercriminals create a legit-looking site to take advantage of users visiting the sites.
    • DDoS Attack (Distributed denial of service attack):
    • In this kind of attack, the target site is flooded with illegitimate requests. Put simply, in DDoS, the target system is overwhelmed with traffic influx which makes it difficult to reply to legitimate service requests. The target site has to respond to every request that is generated which might eventually lead to a complete shutdown of the site.
    • MITM Attack:
    • Man in the middle (MITM) attack, also known as an eavesdropping attack, is a form of cyber attack that creates a security breach. MITM makes it possible for attackers to eavesdrop on data that is sent back and forth between two different networks, computers, and people. The attackers hijack sessions that are executed between the host and the client.
    • Ransomware Attack:
    • In Ransomware attack, the attacker keeps the victim 's system hostage until the user agrees to pay the ransom demanded by the attacker. In this case, the target downloads the ransomware either from a website or from malicious email attachments. The malware is designed to exploit vulnerabilities that are not addressed by the IT team or the manufacturer. In certain cases, the ransomware is tactfully designed to evade even the traditional antiviruses.
    • Social Engineering Attack:
    • Social engineering attack is a technique used by cybercriminals to manipulate users into offering sensitive information that they use for their personal gains.
    • Brute force attack:
    • The brute force attack is another form of cyber attack where the attacker assigns a bot with a credential list that provides them with access to a secure environment. The bots are used to crack user credentials as soon as the user enters details. The hacker gains unauthorised access by entering multiple passwords until they can find the correct one.

Protecting yourself from cyber attacks

Simple Tips to Prevent Cyber Attacks Protecting oneself from the cyberattack is one of the crucial factors to stay safe online.
Here are some of the tips and tricks that every internet user needs to follow to stay safe in the digital sphere:
    • Be cautious while downloading
    • Avoid downloading malicious files from untrusted websites and installing apps from untrusted sources.
    • Use strong passwords
    • It is advised to use strong passwords with a mix of characters and special symbols. The password should bear any resemblance to anything pertaining to your personal and professional life.
    • Keep softwares updated
    • It is important to keep softwares updated as the new updates come with the latest patches for the vulnerabilities in the existing systems.
    • Be vigilant while clicking on attachments and links
    • Users need to be careful while clicking on any links and attachments through emails. It is important to verify the authenticity of the emails before clicking. Make sure to check the email address of the sender of the email before taking any action.
    • Avoid being a victim of identity theft
    • Identity theft is an instance where hackers impersonate personal information to gain benefits. Do not share confidential information such as PAN/Aadhaar number with any unknown person. Never share confidential details over social networking sites. Also, needless to mention, you should not ever share the OTPs with anyone. Besides, never fill personal data on untrusted websites offering rewards or benefits.

You can sign up for our cyber security courses online to know more about these cyber attacks and the counterattacks.

Summing up

The world is increasingly getting connected and digital. This makes it a pivotal task to protect ourselves from the cyberattacks. Being cyber smart is the most important step that needs to be followed to stay aware. Apart from undertaking necessary precautionary measures, it is important to stay vigilant while using the internet.
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